[PDF] Analog Circuits (World Class Designs)


Analog Circuits (World Class Designs)

Analog Circuits (World Class Designs)

Newnes has worked with Robert Pease, a leader in the field of analog design to select the very best design-specific material that we have to offer. The Newnes portfolio has always been know for its practical no nonsense approach and our design content is in keeping with that tradition. This material has been chosen based on its timeliness and timelessness. Designers will find inspiration between these covers highlighting basic design concepts that can be adapted to today's hottest technology as well as design material specific to what is happening in the field today. As an added bonus the editor of this reference tells you why this is important material to have on hand at all times. A library must for any design engineers in these fields.


Analog Circuits (World Class Designs)

Newnes has worked with Robert Pease, a leader in the field of analog design to select the very best design-specific material that we have to offer. The Newnes portfolio has always been know for its practical no nonsense approach and our design content is in keeping with that tradition. This material has been chosen based on its timeliness and timelessness. Designers will find inspiration between these covers highlighting basic design concepts that can be adapted to today's hottest technology as well as design material specific to what is happening in the field today. As an added bonus the editor of this reference tells you why this is important material to have on hand at all times. A library must for any design engineers in these fields.


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